Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Maximize Learning via Technology

Definition: Blog is the abbreviated term for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs comes in various flavors and topics. Blogs can come in various formats such as text, audio, or video.
See document:
Allows you to find other bloggers with similar interests. Free
See document:
Allows you to record audioblog and videoblog over the web. A small fee is charged.
See document:
A blog tailored for teachers, researchers, writers, and educators. Open source thus free.
See document:
Turn your blog into a book for sharing or resale. Fee is charged.
See document:
A free news and blog aggregation system. Allows you to subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds and identify additional resources.
See document: kidzlog
A blog site tailored for children.
See document:
An open source (free) blogging service that has a section for schools. Locate your buddies who have blogs based on a school search.

Content Systems
See document: microworld.html
Definition: A Microworld is a term coined at the MIT Media Lab Learning and Common Sense Group. It means, literally, a tiny world inside which a student can explore alternatives, test hypotheses, and discover facts that are true about that world. It is related to the computer programming language logo.
See document:
Definition: WebQuests were originally created by Bernie Dodge of San Diego State University and Tom Marsh. The purpose was to teach students how to use the Internet for research. Webquests are inquiry-based lessons in which all or part of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet. A listing of various Webquests can be located at
See document:
Definition: "A wiki (wikiwiki) enables documents to be written collectively (co-authoring) in a simple markup using a web browser. A single page in a wiki is referred to as a "wiki page", while the entire body of pages, which are usually highly interconnected via hyperlinks, is "the wiki"; in effect, a very simple, easier to use database. A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. Generally, there is no review before modifications are accepted. Most wikis are open to the public without the need to register any user account. Sometimes session login is requested to acquire a "wiki-signature" cookie for autosigning edits. More private wiki servers require user authentication."
Course Builder is Macromedia's "powerful extension application to Dreamweaver for creating Web-based learning content and interactive Web pages. A fully licensed Dreamweaver software is required for the installation.
See document: coursebuilder

ebooks for PC's and mobile device
Definition: An eBook is an electronic document that can be viewed on a PC and or a Mobile device.
Microsoft Reader
See document: pc.asp
Create documents for Microsoft Reader
See document: rmr.asp
The following free download allows you to create ebooks from Microsoft Word version 2002 or Microsoft Word version 2003 files. The file can be downloaded on a windows CE device such as an Iraq.
Free eBook English Dictionary
See document: dictionaries.asp

Groups aka Newsgroups
Definition: A free forum on a specific topic e.g. education, gaming etc.... Users can post and answer questions to the newsgroup. Groups are a service that helps various people communicate effectively using e-mail and the Web. Every group has a home page hosted by companies such as Google, e-mail, Yahoo etc... Members can start new discussions or reply to existing discussions. Every group also has its own e-mail address to help its members stay in touch with each other. Groups can be either private or open to the public.
See document:
See explanation above.
See document:
See explanation above.
See document:
See explanation above.
See document: index.cfm
Create a private group just for your team. You can share files, pictures etc....

Information & Concept Mapping
Definition: There are some important differences between concept mapping and Mind Mapping”. First, in concept maps the items in the nodes are the label for a single concept. Second, concept mapping is base on a well-established theory of knowledge and theory of learning. Thus, concept is defined as a perceived regularity or pattern in events of objects or records of events or objects designated by a label, usually a word. Concepts are combined using “linking words” to form propositions or meaningful statements. From the psychology of learning, we build on the idea that meaningful learning requires incorporating new concepts and propositions into an individual’s existing framework of concepts and propositions. Concept mapping serves as a metacognitive tool to facilitate meaningful learning. Please share this with whomever you like. -- Joe Novak (Developer of Concept Mapping) Source: An e-mail I received from Mr. Novak.
IHMC CmapTools version 3.10 (Freeware)
See document: download
Mind Mapping
Definition: Mind mapping is a simple process of utilizing a center topic and then extending branches. Each branch maybe a specific topic. Additional sub-branches are created to add additional notes. The use of imagery and short terms is encouraged. Dr. Allan Collins is considered the father of Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan's name is also synonymously linked to reviving the idea of Mind mapping.
Inspiration (Not free)
See document:
A Mind Mapping software that is commonly used in Academia.
MindManager (Not free)
See document:
A Mind Mapping software that is commonly used by corporations.
FreeMind - free mind mapping software (Free)
See document: Main_Page
A java software that works on various platforms.

Instant messaging
Definition: A software that allows various online users to chat in real time. Newer instant messenger software allows you to share pictures and talk online via a computer microphone.
  • Yahoo
  • Hotmail
  • ICQ
  • AOL
  • Trillian
  • Google Talk

Definition: A global network of computers linked via TCP/IP network protocols. The word "Internet" originated in 1986. "The linked computer networks of the U.S. Defense Department," shortened from internetwork, from inter- + network.


Bookmarks and Internet resources sharing
See document: login.ihtml
A free tool that allows you to save and share you bookmarks with other registered users.
See document:
A tool similar to backflip. Note: The smart name delicious
See document: index.jsp
"The one place for ALL the stuff you want to store online and easily share with others." You get 1Gigabyte of storage to store anything on the Internet or from your desktop e.g. Documents, pictures, snippets from the net etc.
"The Learning Styles Profiler (LSP) assesses the neuropsychological basis of learning. It is suitable for business and education. You can view the software and the manual free of charge."
See document: lss2.asp
See document:
A free storage area and free bandwidth for videos, audiofiles, photos etc... Free.
Remember the milk
See document:
A free webbased to do it list. Prioritize your tasks and review them from any computer.
See document: MyStudyStack.jsp
Create your own flashcards. There are approximately 75000 free flashcards at this time.
See document:
Send large files up to 1 Gigabyte. The file is stored on their server. Free.

Learning and course management systems
Definition: A software that is usually utilized by a learning institute to track student’s online courses progress. It usually records the student's quiz results and their completion rates.
See document:
The Sakai Project started as a collaboration between two universities: University of Michigan and Indiana University. The Sakai project is an open source effort to create a course management system. MIT and Stanford joined in and, along with the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) and the uPortal consortium, and a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation, they formed the Sakai Project. Oncourse CL is an example of the Sakai Project.
See document:
Moodle is an open source e-learning platform. It has a relatively large user base. Moodle is a course management system (CMS)—a software package designed to help educators create quality online courses. Martin Dougiamas is the originator of the platform. The "M" in Moodle is a tribute to his creation. The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Martin's Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, a definition mostly useful to programmers and education theorists. Later on, the acronym was changed to Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). Moodle has been translated into 61 languages and at this time the approximate number of registered Moodles is around 3300.
Workforce Connections
See document:
Introducing the U.S. Department of Labor's Workforce Connections™ - a free set of Web-based tools that empower non-technical individuals to easily create, acquire, share and control content in real-time. Workforce Connections™ is the first tool of its kind to be licensed by the U.S. government free of charge to public and private sector organizations. Note: A server is still required to host your course.

Definition: The term Podcasting is a combination of two terms "broadcasting" and "ipod". The term is actually misleading, as you do not require an ipod to play the mp3 formatted file. Podcasts can be played on any computer or MP3 compatible player.
Audacity is an open source software that would allow you to create your own PodCasts.
See document:
See the Blogs for sites that support Audioblog and Videoblogs.

Definition: PowerPoint is one of the most commonly used software to create presentations. It is the golden standard for Academia and corporate America. PowerPoint can be used as an excellent educational resource.
Image galleries
PowerPoint online workshop
See document: games.html
See document:
Template and excellent articles
Powerful PowerPoint for Educators by David M. Marcovitz
A beginner’s guide to use Visual Basic in PowerPoint slides.



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